your March 2024 cosmic self-expression transits

Your overview of what's going on with the planets for the month of March 2024

your March 2024 cosmic self-expression transits
Article by Tay Francis

Transits are back bbs!

I had to take a break from writing transit posts because they became overwhelming to keep up with and I had to find a way to do transits that were aligned with my non-sacral projector energy.

Enter: Cosmic Self-Expression Transits.

In these transit posts, I'll share the Human Design transits that will most impact your self-expression and communication over the next month.

Why should I care about planetary transits? πŸ€”

As the planets move through the cosmos, they travel through specific regions in the sky associated with the astrological zodiac signs and Human Design gates.

Each gate and sign has a specific energy associated with it. And as the planets move through these zones, we, on Earth, feel these energies both in our personal lives and collectively.

Understanding these energies and how they change each month, can help you live an easier life. Not easy, but easier.

Knowing the planetary transits can help you...

  • understand and anticipate your moods and energy as they change throughout the month...
  • plan activities in your life and business such as when to launch new products or services...
  • navigate conflict and challenges in your relationships with more ease and grace and less frustration and disappointment...
  • make better decisions and avoid unnecessary hardship...
  • feel less alone because you know that everyone else is experiencing the same energies as you.

Now let's dive into the self-expression transits for the month of March 2024!

πŸͺOverview of this month's transits πŸͺ

🌌 Transits Breakdown 🌌

March begins with Mercury, the planet of communication and self-expression still in vibration of Pisces and the Emotional Solar Plexus (ESP).

This energy may feel a bit like you're purging emotionally as you get ready to begin the astrological new year.

You might find yourself being moody in your communications or having unexpected emotional outbursts that leave you wondering "Where did that come from?"

You might also find yourself rolling with laughter, in fits of tears or laughing so much you end up crying - or maybe crying so much you end up laughing 🀣

Communications go to extremes when mercury is travelling through the emotional centre.

Mercury in Aries β™ˆ

After March 9th, Mercury moves into the energy of Aries, passing briefly through the Identity and Ajna centres before taking up residence the Heart and the Sacral centres.

These energies are all very different to the ups and downs of the Solar Plexus and Mercury here takes on a much more self-assured stance.

Your communication in the latter part of the month is much more direct, confident and opinionated. You're more likely to be brave and bold when expressing yourself in your relationships and career.

This is a good time to share your thoughts and opinions on your online platforms - to speak up and speak out!

This energy is pushing you out of your comfort zone and encouraging you to own your unique voice or express yourself in a new way. If you've been struggling with how or when to say something, now may be the time.

You might also find yourself diving into new projects or launching new creative activities even if you don't quite know where it's all going to go.

This energy ramps up even more on March 19th when Aries season begins, giving an extra boost to your confidence and ability to express your thoughts and let yourself be heard.

Still, watch out for a tendency for arrogance and remember that communication is a two-way street. It's important to listen as much as, if not more than, you speak.

Remember to come down off your soap box every once in a while and touch base with the people you're communicating with.

As we end the month, we have two major shifts:

First, on the 18th, Mercury's pre-retrograde shadow begins.

(Yes it's that time again).

What this means is that Mercury begins slowing down as it prepares to go in the microwave. And it passes through the area of the sky that it will return to by the end of its retrograde period which begins on April 1st - aka the worst April Fool's joke of all time.

We may have done a lot since Mercury's entry into Aries which, let's be real, isn't a sign that's known for its attention to detail.

So Mercury's slowing down and then eventual retrograde here encourages us to go back and fill in the gaps we may have missed in our enthusiasm to get started.

The Ultimate Guide to Surviving Mercury Retrograde

A workbook of prompts to help you survive those frustrating times when Mercury goes in the microwave

Get the Guide

Second, eclipse season begins

The lunar eclipse in Libra and Gates 17 & 18 (Opinions & Judgement respectively) brings the conflict between our fears of being challenged and fear of authority to the forefront.

Eclipses signify major beginnings and endings, this time in the sphere of our relationships with each other and with ourselves.

This is a good time to reflect on how you've been showing up for yourself and the people in your life.

  • How's your self-care practice?
  • Are you giving too much of yourself to others?
  • Where are you not stepping up and owning the authority you have?
  • What relationships need to be reconfigured or are coming to their natural end?
  • What do you need to let go of to step into this next phase in your life?
  • What rules have you been taught about how to live that you're ready to let go of?

These are all questions to consider during this eclipse.

All in all, March looks like it's going to be an eventful time for our collective communications. Are you ready?

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